Grasski season 2021 started

Grasski season 2021 started

Grasski season 2021 was officially started 2 weeks back. Due to COVID pandemic we were not able to ski much, but we have already first 3 days of skiing. But to start season it is good to know about news and changes we have planned for our products.

Grasski season 2021 was officially started 2 weeks back. Due to COVID pandemic we were not able to ski much, but we have already first 3 days of skiing. But to start season it is good to know about news and changes we have planned for our products. For season 2021 we were focusing mainly on improving all parts so models 2021 are no revolution but big evolution. Manufacturing of all parts did undergo detailed analysis with aim to improve each individual detail. Starting from steel rails as main element of grasski, we have hugely improved and changed way how our automatic polishing machine works as well as changed how rails are being welded. Our aim was to improve performance and durability. Total was invested about 250 work man-hours into this. Less visible yet similarly important was change of bending of rails. All rails has new shape and radius of turns. Next were belts connecting plastic elements. So far this season all already produced ski models Easy or Stars has belts cutted with new laser machine which is able to cut up to 190 cm long belts. We will soon start using this new machine also for Race ski. Building this machine and preparing it for production took around 160 man-hours. Also very important but compared to above less time consuming was preparing and testing new race rolls. We started using new tools with changed shape. We believe these rolls are now better, downside of this change is production time of each race roll is extended by 12%. A lot of time was invested in finding and getting best possible materials for plastic elements. We hope this will help with impact strength of elements and help with durability. Model Easy has improved rapid binding where shape of binding hooks together with improved shape of openings makes change of binding size/ski boot size much easier and faster. Also our aim was to improve durability of front and back hooks and avoid possible cracking of these parts. So all in all, we do believe these are our best ski so far.

Ing. Martin Štěpánek
ESmont spol. s r.o.
IČO: 60736062
DIČ: CZ60736062
Černovická 13, 61700, Brno
Czech Republic
phone: +420 603148858
Skype: Martajz
Twitter: @Grasski_net

Bank connection:
Fio banka, a.s.
bank account: 2500562236, bank code 2010
SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX, IBAN: CZ4220100000002500562236
Find in business register.
